Gradient editor overview
Most attributes that can be filled with a color can also be filled with a…

Use the gradient preset pop-up menu
When the gradient editor is collapsed, you can select a preset gradient from the Gradient…

Change a gradient’s color and opacity
The gradient editor is a flexible and powerful tool, allowing you to create custom styles.…

Edit color and opacity direction and distribution
You can reverse the direction or evenly distribute the gradient color and opacity tags. Reverse…

Move, duplicate, or change the interpolation of gradient tags
There are many ways to manipulate tags in the gradient editor to create a custom…

Save gradient presets
As with shape styles, after you create a gradient, you can save it in the…

Use onscreen gradient controls
Onscreen controls provide a more interactive way to edit a gradient’s attributes—color, location and value…

Basic gradient controls
Most attributes that can be filled with a color can also be filled with a…

Gradient editor controls
Most attributes that can be filled with a color can also be filled with a…