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Modifier keys

Diagram showing curved gesture moving from 2 o'clock to 10 o'clock in clockwise direction

Zoom in to the Canvas.

To zoom to the area within the gesture, press Shift. For example, if you draw a small gesture around an area, you get a large zoom. If you draw a large gesture, you get a small zoom.

To position the zoom at the center of the gesture, press Option.

Diagram showing curved gesture moving from 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock in counterclockwise direction

Zoom out of the Canvas.

To position the zoom out at the center of the gesture, press Option.

Diagram showing curved gesture moving from 10 o'clock to 12 o'clock in counterclockwise direction, then moving straight downward to 6 o'clock

Select the Zoom tool. To zoom in and out of the Canvas, move the pen left or right. The zoom is centered on the area where the pointer is placed in the Canvas.

Diagram showing curved gesture moving from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock in clockwise direction then moving directly left back toward 9 o'clock in straight line

Select the Pan tool.

Diagram showing triangular gesture moving from lower left corner to top, to lower right corner, and back to first point to complete the triangle

Set the Canvas to Home (100 percent).

Diagram showing square-shaped gesture beginning at upper left corner in clockwise direction

Fit the Canvas in the window.

To switch the Canvas display to player mode, press Shift.

Diagram showing backwards N-shaped gesture (vertical zig-zag) moving from upper left to lower right

Show or hide the Timing pane.

Diagram showing Z-shaped gesture (horizontal zig-zag) moving from upper left to lower right

Show or hide the Project pane.

Diagram showing circular gesture beginning at 12 o'clock, moving straight down to six o'clock, then completing full counterclockwise circle

Show or hide the Inspector.

Diagram showing P-shaped gesture starting at bottom of stem

Show or hide the File Browser.

Diagram showing L-shaped gesture beginning at top of the stem, and making small clockwise loop before proceeding along horizontal line

Show or hide the Library.