Move Motion projects, objects, or presets to another computer

You can move Motion project files, custom objects, or project presets to another computer that has Motion installed.

Copy a Motion project file to another computer

To move a Motion project file to another computer, you must also move all media that the project uses, including all QuickTime, still image, and audio files. In addition, any third-party Motion plug-ins or nonstandard fonts used in the project must be installed on the new computer, or they’ll be unavailable to your project.

Similarly, when you finish a project and want to archive it, it’s a good idea to archive the project file and all media, graphics, fonts, custom behaviors, filters, and third-party add-ons used in the project. If you need to restore the project for later revisions, you’ll have everything you need to get started quickly.

  1. Save the project file using the Collect Media option as described in “Save a project and collect all project media into a folder” in Save, autosave, and revert projects.

  2. Copy the folder containing the saved project file and all media used in the project to another computer.

Note: If you move a project to another computer without selecting the Collect Media option, media can go offline (even if you’ve manually moved the media files). For more information on how to relink media files to your project, see Reconnect offline media files.

Copy a custom object to another computer

Each customized object you drag to the Motion Library is saved as a separate file in the /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Motion/Library/ folder on your computer. Although these saved custom objects appear in the OS X Finder with a .molo extension (“Motion Library object”), you cannot open opened them from the Finder.

You can, however, move saved objects to another computer that has Motion installed, then access them from the Motion Library. For more information about saving custom objects, see Save custom objects to the Library.

  1. In the OS X Finder, open your /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Motion/Library/ folder.

    Note: If the Library folder is hidden in the OS X Finder, hold down the Option key, then choose Go > Library.

  2. Copy a custom saved object file (with a .molo extension) to the /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Motion/Library/ folder on another computer that has Motion installed.

Make sure that you also copy any imported graphics, images, or movie files used to create your custom material (such as a JPEG file used as the source for a particle emitter). After you open the project, relink to the source media files. For more information, see “Reconnect offline media via the Media Inspector” in Reconnect offline media files.

Copy a project preset to another computer

Each custom project preset you create (such as Broadcast HD 720) is saved as a separate file in your computer’s /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Motion/Presets/ folder. If you create custom presets that you rely on, you can move them to other computers that have Motion installed.

  1. In the OS X Finder, open your custom preset files to that computer’s /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Motion/Presets/ folder.

    Note: If the Library folder is hidden in the OS X Finder, hold down the Option key, then choose Go > Library.

  2. Copy a custom preset file (with a .preset extension) to that computer’s /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Motion/Presets/ folder.

For information on creating project presets, see Create, edit, and delete project presets.