Identify a specific shortcut
Although the Command Editor primarily used for creating new shortcuts (as described in Create your own keyboard shortcuts), the it can also be used to identify existing shortcuts.
Choose a key command set
By default, Motion uses the Standard Set of commands, with the language choice that you specified when you set up your computer.
Do one of the following:
Choose Motion > Commands, then choose a set from the submenu.
If the Command Editor is open, click the pop-up menu in the upper-left corner, then choose a command set.
After you choose the command set you want, the keyboard shortcuts in the set become active in Motion.
Search for a keyboard shortcut
Use the Search field in the upper-right corner of the Command Editor to locate a command or keyboard shortcut. You can search by command name, description, or keyboard shortcut.
In the Command Editor, click in the Search field and enter a word that describes the keyboard shortcut you need.
The Command List immediately displays the search results, listing all commands and keyboard shortcuts related to the search term. You can narrow your search by choosing a category from the Search field pop-up menu. The menu items include All, Command, Description, and Key Equivalent.
Note: Do not use the Shift key to capitalize letters when typing in the Search field. The Search field recognizes the Shift key as a modifier key in a keyboard shortcut.
Search for and highlight a shortcut on the virtual keyboard
You can use the Search field with the virtual keyboard to highlight keyboard shortcuts.
Click the Keyboard Highlight button to the left of the Search field.
The keyboard dims.
Click in the Search field and begin typing.
Motion filters the Command List as you type and highlights the keys related to your search term.
For example, in the image below, the search term “mark” returns keyboard shortcuts marker commands, and the command keys are highlighted in the virtual keyboard.
Note: When you enable the Keyboard Highlight button, only command keys are highlighted. Modifier keys that may be part of the keyboard shortcut (Command, Shift, Option, and Control) are not highlighted.

Filter by modifier keys
You can use the Modifier buttons (Command, Shift, Option, and Control) at the top of the Command Editor to see which keys work with the modifier keys.
Click one of the four modifier buttons at the top of the Command Editor (or click a modifier key on the virtual keyboard).
Keys assigned to work with the selected modifier key appear marked with a dark gray dot.
If necessary, click another modifier button (or modifier key in the virtual keyboard) to create a combination.
The virtual keyboard updates to show which keys are assigned to shortcuts that use those combined modifier keys.