Command Editor interface
The upper half of the Command Editor displays a virtual keyboard. The lower half contains a Command List that sorts menu commands by group and offers a brief description of each command, along with its associated key combination, if any.
The virtual keyboard is color-coded to help you identify the type of command each key performs. For example, transport commands, such as Play (press the Space bar) and Record (press A), are light blue, while alignment commands are pink. The Command Groups window on the left side of the Command List contains a clickable color key for reference.
Keys assigned to shortcuts are marked with a white dot, while unassigned keys have no additional markings. Several keys are shaded with a hatch pattern, indicating that they’re reserved for the OS X Finder.
The Command List displays several groupings of commands, organized by Motion menus as well as types of commands (Alignment, Tools, Transport, Go To, View, and Mark). Click a group to filter the Command list and display only the commands and keyboard shortcuts in that group.
The window to the right of the Command List shows additional information about a selected key in the virtual keyboard (or a selected command in the Command List). When you select a key in the virtual keyboard, this window displays a list of all keyboard shortcuts associated with that key.
When you select a command in the Command List, this window displays a brief description of the command.