Action | Shortcut |
Create a group | Shift-Command-N |
Bring the object to the top of the group | Command–Right Bracket (]) |
Send the object to the bottom of the group | Command–Left Bracket ([) |
Bring the object up one level in the Layers list | Command–Right Bracket (]) |
Send the object down one level in the Layers list | Command–Left Bracket ([) |
Place the selected objects in a new group | Shift-Command-G |
Ungroup a group of objects so you can manipulate each object | Option-Command-G |
Make the object active or deactivate the object | Control-T |
Enable/disable the Solo button of a selected track | Control-S |
Isolate the selected group or layer | Control-I |
Lock/unlock an object | Control-L |
Move up one level in the Layers list | Up Arrow |
Move down one level in the Layers list | Down Arrow |
Expand a group in the Layers list | Option–Left Arrow |
Collapse a group in the Layers list | Option–Right Arrow |
Import | Command-I |
Add an image mask to the selected object | Shift-Command-M |
Convert the applied behaviors to keyframes | Command-K |
Open the Media list and Inspector to reveal the source and properties of media objects | Shift-F |
Clone the selected layer | K |