Transform layers in the Properties Inspector

You can adjust layer properties using numeric controls in the Properties Inspector. These controls let you make the same adjustments afforded by the 2D transform tools, but with more precision. Adjustments made in the Canvas are simultaneously updated in the Inspector, and vice versa. The available controls vary depending on the type of layer you select in the Layers list or Canvas.

Properties Inspector for a generator

When the Project object (located at the top of the Layers list) is selected, controls become available in the Properties Inspector that allow you to modify the project’s background color, aspect ratio, field rendering, motion blur, reflections, and other global settings. For more information on project properties, see Project properties overview.

Open the Properties Inspector

Do one of the following:

  • Click Inspector in the top-left corner of the Motion workspace, then click Properties.

  • Choose Window > Inspector (or press F1), then click Properties.

    The Inspector opens. The preview area contains a visual preview of the object and can show the multiple frames of moving footage. The Inspector preview area is similar to the File Browser and Library preview areas, but it has no Apply or Import button.

    Inspector showing Preview area

Collapse or expand the pane containing the Properties Inspector

Do one of the following:

  • Choose Window > Inspector (or press F1).

  • Click the “i” button in the lower-left corner of the Motion workspace.

Show or hide a group of controls in the Properties Inspector

Do one of the following:

  • Position the pointer over a row that contains a section name (Transform or Blending, for example), then click Show or Hide.

  • Double-click the empty space in a row that contains a section name.

    Inspector showing an open group of parameters and a closed group of parameters

Modify layer values in the Properties Inspector

Do any of the following:

  1. In the Layers list or Canvas, select a layer.

  2. In the Properties Inspector, drag a slider or dial, choose an item from a pop-up menu, select a checkbox, or enter a new number in a value field.

Reset a layer value to its default state

In the Properties Inspector, do one of the following:

  • Click the Reset button beside a parameter category.

    Parameter Reset button
  • Click the Animation menu in a parameter row (the downward arrow that appears when you move the pointer over the right side of the row), then choose Reset Parameter.

    Reset parameter in the Animation menu

For more information on how to use the parameter controls, see User color and gradient controls overview. For a description of the controls in the Properties Inspector, see Properties Inspector controls.