Reorganize layers and groups
The order in which layers and groups appear in the Layers list determines which layers appear in front of other layers in the Canvas. You can change the ordering of layers in the Layers list or in the Canvas. However, it’s easiest to select layers and change their stacking order in the Layers list.
Additionally, you can change layer order using commands in the Object menu. These commands can be used with layers, effects objects, groups, or groups nested in another group. Reordering a group reorders all objects nested in that group.
Note: When using 3D groups, you can rearrange the depth order in 3D space to override the layer order in the Layers list. For more information about depth and layer hierarchy in 3D groups, see Create 3D intersection.
Move a layer or group forward or backward in your composition
Do one of the following:
Drag a layer or group up or down in the Layers list.
A position indicator shows the new position the selection occupies when you release the mouse button.
Select a layer or group in the Layers list (or select a layer in the Canvas), click the Object menu, then choose Bring to Front, Send to Back, Bring Forward, or Send Backward.
Note: You cannot use the Object menu reorder commands to move image layers out of the group they’re nested in.
The selected layer or group is reordered in the Layers list and Canvas.
Note: Using the Bring and Send commands in the Object menu to move layers up and down in the nested hierarchy in any group is especially useful when working with selected objects in the Canvas. For more information, see Object menu.
Move multiple layers or groups forward or backward in the composition
Do one of the following
In the Layers list, Shift-click to select multiple contiguous layers or groups or Command-click to select multiple noncontiguous layers or groups, then drag the items up or down in the Layers list.
A position indicator shows the new position the items occupy when you release the mouse button.
In the Layers list, Shift-click to select multiple contiguous layers or groups or Command-click to select multiple noncontiguous layers or groups, click the Object menu, then choose Bring to Front, Send to Back, Bring Forward, or Send Backward.
Note: When you apply the Bring Forward or Send Backward arrangement command to noncontiguous selected layers, the layers move up or down the object hierarchy together, and any space between the layers remains.
Move a layer from one group to another
When you have more than one group, you can move layers back and forth between groups, changing their nested relationship in your project.
Select one or more layers.
Do one of the following:
Drag the selected layers to a position underneath another group. A position indicator appears, showing where the layer is placed when you release the mouse button.
Choose Edit > Cut (or press Command-X), then select the group to paste into, and choose Edit > Paste (or press Command-V).
Copy a layer from one group to another
Do one of the following:
Option-drag selected layers from one group to another.
Select layers, choose Edit > Copy (or press Command-C), then select the group to paste into, and choose Edit > Paste (or press Command-V).
Select layers, choose Edit > Copy (or press Command-C), select the group to paste into, then Control-click an empty area of the Canvas (in the gray area outside your composition) and choose Paste from the shortcut menu.
Copy a layer or group from one project to another
When you have more than one project open, you can copy layers or groups back and forth between projects.
Select one or more layers in the active project window.
Do one of the following:
Drag the selected object to a position in the target project’s Layers list. A position indicator appears to show where the object is placed when you release the mouse button.
Choose Edit > Copy (or press Command-C), select a group in the target project, then choose Edit > Paste (or press Command-V).
Option-drag a layer in the Canvas to the Canvas or Layers list of the target project.
Rename a layer or group
Renaming groups and layers in the Layers list helps organize your project. When you rename a layer, the original name of the source media file on disk remains unchanged. Likewise, renaming a layer in the Layers list does not change the name of the layer’s corresponding source media in the Media list. For more information, see Source media overview or Display, sort, and search the Media list.
In the Layers list, double-click the name of a group or layer, then enter a new name.
To confirm the name, press Return, or click in another layer or group.