Transform layers in 3D space

In Motion, 2D layers and groups can exist in the same project as 3D layers and groups. You can manipulate any 2D layer in 3D space by using the 3D transform tool.

Move a layer in 3D space

  1. Select the 3D Transform tool in the toolbar (or press Q).

    3D Transform tool in toolbar
  2. Select a layer or group in the Layers list or Canvas.

    3D handles appear on the selected object in the Canvas.

    Onscreen 3D controls
  3. Do any of the following:

    • Move the object horizontally: Drag the red arrow to move the object along its X axis.

    • Move the object vertically: Drag the green arrow to move the object along its Y axis.

    • Move the object forward or backward: Drag the blue handle to move the object along its Z axis.

      Tip: If the blue handle is facing forward, drag left or right to move the object forward or backward.

As you drag, the active arrow turns yellow, and the status bar above the Canvas displays the current coordinates of the object as well as the distance the object has moved (delta). Coordinates are given in the form of X, Y, and Z.

Canvas showing 3D transform onscreen controls

Rotate a layer in 3D space

  1. Select the 3D Transform tool in the toolbar (or press Q).

    3D Transform tool in toolbar
  2. Select a layer or group in the Layers list or Canvas.

    3D handles appear on the selected object in the Canvas.

    Onscreen 3D rotation controls
  3. Move the pointer over one of the rotation handles (small circles surrounding the arrows) until a colored rotation ring appears, then drag the ring.

    • The red ring rotates the object around its X axis.

    • The green ring rotates the object around its Y axis.

    • The blue ring rotates the object around its Z axis.

As you drag, the status bar above the Canvas displays the absolute rotation values as well as the amount of rotation change (delta).

Canvas showing object rotating around X axis

Rotate a layer around all axes simultaneously

  1. Select the 3D Transform tool in the toolbar (or press Q).

    3D Transform tool in toolbar
  2. Select a layer or group in the Layers list or Canvas.

    3D handles appear on the selected object in the Canvas.

    Onscreen 3D rotation controls
  3. Holding down the Command key, move the pointer over one of the rotation handles (small circles surrounding the arrows) until all three rotation rings appear, then drag over the object (but not over the rotation handle).

The object rotates around all three axes simultaneously, and the status bar above the Canvas displays the absolute rotation values as well as the amount of rotation change (delta).

Display a subset of the 3D transform handles

Do any of the following:

  • Display the axis arrows only: Press the Comma key (,).

  • Display the rotation handles only: Press the Period key (.).

  • Display the scale handles only: Press the Slash key (/).

    When you press any key a second time, the display switches back to the default, with all three of the onscreen controls visible.

Transform a layer in 3D space using the HUD

As an alternative to dragging in the Canvas, you can transform layers and groups in 3D space using graphic controls in the HUD.

  1. Select the 3D Transform tool in the toolbar (or press Q).

    3D Transform tool in toolbar
  2. Select a layer or group in the Layers list or Canvas.

  3. Choose Window > Show HUD or press D.

  4. In the HUD, do any of the following:

    • Move a layer: Drag in any of the three Move squares to reposition the object along its Z axis, X and Y axes, or X and Z axes. Hold down the Command key while dragging to simultaneously scale the object as it’s moved, preserving its size relative to the camera.

      HUD showing 3D controls
    • Rotate a layer: Drag in the Rotate square to rotate the object around the X and Y axes. To rotate around the Z axis, hold down the Command key while dragging.

    • Resize a layer: Drag in the Scale square to uniformly resize the selected object in the Canvas. To constrain scaling to the axis corresponding to the initial direction of the drag, hold down the Command key while dragging.

    • Choose an axis type: Click the Adjust Around pop-up menu, then choose an item. Local Axis (the default) orients 3D transforms to the object’s local coordinates. World Axis orients 3D transforms to the coordinates of the 3D grid in the Canvas. View Axis orients 3D transforms to the view space of the current view, with the Z axis aligned along the view’s line of sight. For more information on views, see About cameras and views.