Cast a reflection

In the real world, all objects exhibit some degree of reflectivity based on surface shine, brightness, angle of view, and proximity to reflected objects. Motion simulates this natural effect, equipping every object with a set of parameters to create and control realistic-looking reflections. When reflections are enabled for a layer, all other layers in the project are reflected but may only be visible from specific angles and distances.

Canvas showing an object reflecting other objects

In Motion, reflections are controlled in the Properties Inspector. To improve performance, you can temporarily turn off the rendering of reflections in the Canvas.

Cast a reflection

  • Select the layer to receive the reflection, then select the Reflection activation checkbox in the Properties Inspector.

    Note: To cast reflections, layers must be offset from each other (for example, X rotation or Z position).

Disable rendering of reflections

Rendering reflections can significantly impact playback performance. You can temporarily disable reflections to improve playback speed while working on other aspects of your project.

  • Click the Render pop-up menu above the Canvas, then choose Reflections (or press Control-Option-R).