Zoom Layer
The Zoom Layer behavior moves a camera to the position of a target object’s anchor point. When the camera reaches the object’s anchor point, the angle of view changes while offsetting the camera’s position based on the Zoom parameter. (This parameter is set to 0 by default so no animation of the Angle of View occurs.)
This behavior also lets you animate the camera’s Angle of View during the camera’s movement, based on the behavior’s Transition value. For more information about the Angle of View parameter, see Controls in the Camera Inspector.
After you apply this behavior, the Zoom Layer section of the Behaviors Inspector contains the following parameter controls:
Object: An image well to set the target of the camera’s movement. Drag an object from the Layers list into the well.
Transition: A slider to specify how far into the behavior the camera stops moving and the camera’s Angle of View parameter begins to animate instead.
If Transition is set to 50% in a Zoom Layer behavior that has a length of 300 frames, the camera move takes 150 frames to arrive at the position of the target object and then stops moving for the duration of the behavior, and the camera’s Angle of View parameter animates over the rest of the duration. If Transition is set to 100%, the camera move takes the full 300 frames to arrive at the position of the target object, and the camera’s angle of view does not animate. If the Zoom Layer behavior’s duration is 100 frames and Transition is set to 50%, the camera move takes 50 frames to arrive at the position of the target object.
Speed: A pop-up menu to set the type of interpolation used for the rotation. The value can be set to Constant, Ease In, Ease Out, Ease Both, Accelerate, or Decelerate.
Zoom: A slider to set a proportional value to modify the camera’s Angle of View parameter. A nonzero value determines how much the angle of view (and thus perspective) changes relative to the camera’s initial angle of view. A zero value for Zoom leaves the Angle of View parameter unchanged.
The HUD contains the same controls as the Inspector.