Tracking guidelines overview
Selecting a good tracking reference pattern in a movie or image sequence is pivotal in…
Basic strategies
to improve tracking results Use the following basic techniques to improve your tracking results: Find…
Advanced strategies
to improve tracking results Use the following advanced techniques to improve your tracking results. Smooth…
Track perspective, scale, or rotational shifts
For images with significant change in size and angle, you can try a few different…
Track obscured or off-frame points
In addition to experimenting with tracker parameter settings, there’s a basic technique to correct track…
About tracking retimed footage
When working in a project that combines tracking behaviors and retiming operations, use the following…
Improve stabilization
The automatic motion analysis (analysis without trackers) used by the Stabilize behavior works best with…
Remove black borders from stabilized clips
When you use the Stabilize behavior, the resulting transformations that smooth or stabilize the shot…
About combining masks with tracking behaviors
When you add a mask to an object that has applied tracking data, the data…