Adjust a replicator in the Inspector

Replicator and replicator cell parameters, though closely related, serve different purposes:

  • Replicator parameters control the overall shape, arrangement, offset, stacking order, build order, and number of elements in the replicator pattern.

  • Replicator cell parameters control the behavior and appearance of the elements in the replicator pattern.

For a replicator with only one cell (one source image), the replicator and replicator cell controls appear in the same Replicator Inspector. In this case, you can control every aspect of the replicator using these controls. However, in replicators with multiple cells, each cell has its own Replicator Cell Inspector containing all parameters for that cell.

Replicator parameters are dynamic—different controls appear depending on what is selected from the Shape pop-up menu and the Arrangement pop-up menu (which is itself dynamic, invoking additional parameters). For example, with Rectangle as the selected pattern shape, additional parameters appear in the Inspector that allow you to modify the size of the rectangle, the number of rows and columns, and other attributes. And with Spiral as the selected shape, parameter appear that allow you to adjust the radius of the spiral, the number of twists and arms, the number of points per arm (the locations on the shape where the elements sit), and other attributes.

Inspector showing Replicator pane set to different shapes

Further, different parameters are also available depending on the selected arrangement for the shape. You can achieve very different looks by changing only a few parameters.

Canvas showing three different examples of same replicator

Adjust a replicator in the Replicator Inspector

  1. Select a replicator in the Layers list or Timeline.

  2. In the Inspector, click Replicator.

    Replicator Inspector showing parameters for replicators with a single cell, or multiple cells
  3. Adjust the Replicator Controls and Cell Controls.

    The contents of the Replicator Inspector are dynamic: different parameters appear depending on the option you choose in the Shape pop-up menu. Also, different parameters appear depending on the option you choose in the Arrangement pop-up menu.

    For a complete list of these controls, see Replicator controls.

Adjust a cell in the Replicator Cell Inspector

  1. Select a replicator cell in the Layers list or Timeline.

    Layers list with selected replicator cell
  2. In the Inspector, click Replicator Cell.

    Replicator Cell Inspector showing cell-specific parameters
  3. Adjust the Cell Controls.

    For a complete list of these controls, see Replicator cell controls.