About using filters and masks with replicators

You can apply filters or masks to a replicator or to the image sources used to create replicator cells. (However, you cannot apply filters or masks to the replicator cells themselves.)


When applied to the replicator, a filter affects every element of the replicator pattern. When applied to an image source layer, the effect of a filter is retained when the layer is replicated.

Canvas comparing replicators with filter applied to the source cell layer versus the replicator later

For more information on applying filters to layers in your project, see Filters overview.


When you apply a mask to an replicator source layer, the effect of the mask is retained when the layer is replicated.

Canvas showing replicator with mask applied to the cell source layer

You can also apply a mask to the replicator object itself.

Canvas showing replicator with mask applied

Note: Although you cannot apply masks to a 3D replicator, you can apply them to the image source layer used to create a cell in a 3D replicator.

For more information on working with masks, see Masks and transparency overview.