Replicator overview The Motion replicator builds complex patterns of repeating elements—from a simple line of…

How are replicators and particle systems different?
Although the replicator and particle systems share many parameters, they’re very different tools. Both use…

Add a replicator to a project

Adjust a replicator

Animate replicators

Work with 3D replicators
Two replicator pattern styles in the Shapes pop-up menu have 3D properties: Box and Sphere.…

About replicator timing
After you create a replicator, its duration can be as long or short as necessary,…

About using filters and masks with replicators
You can apply filters or masks to a replicator or to the image sources used…

Save custom replicators to the Library
After you create a replicator you like, you can save it as a replicator preset…