
The Sunburst generator creates “beams” that radiate from a center point.

Canvas showing Sunburst generator with a variety of settings

Adjust this generator using the controls in the Generator Inspector:

  • Center: A slider that sets the center of the generator pattern.

  • Color: Color controls that set the color of the sunburst.

  • Background Color: Color controls that set the color (and opacity of that color) that appears behind the sunburst.

  • Number of Arms: A slider that sets the number of spikes on the sunburst.

  • Radius: A slider that defines the outer boundary of the sunburst’s spikes. (You can also use the Adjust Item tool to modify this parameter with onscreen controls. For more information, see Modify or animate a generator.)

  • Inner Radius: A slider that defines the inner radius of the generator. A value of 1 results in no spikes; a value of .01 results in the sharpest spikes.

  • Angle: A dial that rotates the sunburst.

  • Waviness: A slider that warps the spikes into waves. For more waves, adjust the Number of Waves slider (described below).

  • Number of Waves: A slider that sets the number of waves when Waviness is set to any value other than 0. Higher values result in more waves.

  • Wave Offset: A slider that defines the phase of the waves when Waviness is set to any value other than 0. (Animate this value to create interesting effects.)

  • Contrast: A slider that sets how sharp or blurred the division is between the circles and the background.