Find and replace text in your project

The Find and Replace window lets you locate and change a word (or a set of characters) in a Motion project. You can search in a selected text object, or in all text objects. This tool is useful for changes to long-form text objects, such as credit rolls.

  1. Choose Edit > Find and Replace (or press Command-F).

    The Find and Replace window appears.

  2. In the Find field, enter the text to search for; in the Replace field enter the replacement text.

  3. Select an option from the “Search in” pop-up menu:

    • All Text Objects in Project: Search all text in your project.

    • Selected Text Object: Search text you’ve already selected in your project.

  4. Do any of the following:

    • Press Return or click Next to find the text you entered in the Find field:

      Note: Select the “Loop search” checkbox to continue searching from the beginning of your project after reaching the end of the text.

    • Click Previous to find the previous occurrence of the text you entered in the Find field.

      Found text is selected in the Canvas.

  5. To replace the selected text, do one of the following:

    • Click Replace to replace the current selection.

    • Click Replace All to replace all occurrences of the Find text.

      To replace the current selection and immediately find the next occurrence of the Find text, click Replace & Find.

    • Click Replace & Find to replace the current selection and immediately find the next occurrence of the Find text.

    Note: To undo an operation performed in the Find and Replace window, click in the Canvas to make it active, then choose Edit > Undo Text Replace (or press Command-Z).