Emit controls
Use the Emit controls in the Appearance pane of the Text Inspector to add a radiance effect to 3D text, as if the text were emitting its own light.
Fill: A pop-up menu to set whether the light emitted is based on a solid color, a gradient, or a texture. For information on using gradients, see Gradient editor overview.
Color: A color control (available when Fill is set to Color) to select the color to be emitted.
Gradient: A gradient control (available when Fill is set to Gradient) to set a preset gradient or create a custom gradient for the colors to be emitted.
Image: An image well (available when Fill is set to Texture) to assign a custom image to use as the texture emitted. Drag an image from the Layers list or Media list into this well.
Wrap Mode: A pop-up menu (available when Fill is set to Texture) to set what happens if the image is smaller than the text object. Choose from one of the following options:
None: The image is applied once, and areas of the text object that exceed the scope of the image are not covered.
Repeat: The image is applied and reapplied as often as necessary, creating a pattern to fill the area beyond the scope of the original image.
Mirror: The image is applied to the text object, then applied again in an inverted, reversed orientation to cover the area beyond the scope of the original image.
Placement: A group of controls (available when you click the disclosure triangle) to set how the texture is applied to the text object. For details, see Placement controls.
Intensity: A slider to adjust how visible the emitted light appears on the object.
Coverage: A slider to adjust how much the emit layer is visible based on the opacity of the layer. A value of 100% (the default) causes the emit layer to display, regardless of the opacity of the layers beneath it. A value of 0% means that the emit layer shines only where the material is opaque.