Adjust 3D text lighting

All 3D text objects in Motion have a set of built-in options that simulate basic lighting conditions. This enables you to quickly and easily create natural-looking scenes quickly and easily.

Additionally, you can add light objects to your project if you need to illuminate your 3D text objects in more complex or specific ways.

3D text casting shadows on background objects in the Canvas

Modify the lighting style

  1. In the Layers list, Timeline, or Canvas, select a 3D text object.

  2. In the Appearance pane of the Text Inspector, click the Lighting Style pop-up menu and choose one of the lighting options.

    Lighting Style pop-up menu in the Appearance pane of the Text Inspector
    Options in the Lighting Style pop-up menu
  3. Drag the Intensity slider to increase or decrease the amount of illumination.

Your 3D text object is illuminated in style you chose.

Canvas showing 3D text object with Lighting Style set to Standard, Above, Drama Top Left, and Backlit

For a detailed list of all 3D text lighting controls, see Lighting and environment controls.

Control how 3D text objects cast self-shadows

In the real world, complex objects often cast shadows on parts of themselves. You can simulate this effect in Motion by having 3D text cast “self-shadows.”

3D text in Canvas showing the Self Shadows checkbox deselected and selected

Note: The self-shadow effect does not cast shadows on other objects in your project. To make 3D text cast shadows on other objects, you must add light objects (described in “Use external lights to illuminate a 3D text object,” below).

  1. In the Layers list, Timeline, or Canvas, select a 3D text object.

  2. In the Appearance pane of the Text Inspector, click the Self Shadows checkbox (in the Lighting section).

    Self Shadows parameter in the Appearance pane of the Text Inspector

    Note: The Self Shadows checkbox is hidden when Lighting Style is set to Off.

    With self-shadows enabled, one part of a 3D text object will cast a shadow on another part of the same object (depending on the light source position). Although this effect can add realism to a text object, in some cases it may add unwanted or distracting shadows.

  3. Click the disclosure triangle next to the Self Shadows checkbox to reveal additional controls.

  4. Drag the Opacity slider to the left to decrease the visibility of self-shadows.

  5. Drag the Softness slider to the right to soften the edges of self-shadows, making them more subtle.

For a more information about self-shadow controls, see Lighting and environment controls.

Use external lights to illuminate a 3D text object

To create more precise or complex lighting and shadow effects, you can add light objects to your project. This technique is useful if you want to illuminate multiple objects in a consistent and naturalistic way, if you want to use very specific types of lights, or if you want to use colored lights.

  1. In the Layers list, Timeline, or Canvas, select a 3D text object.

  2. In the Appearance pane of the Text inspector, click the Lighting Style pop-up menu and choose Off, then deselect the Environment checkbox (if it’s not already deselected).

    Choosing "Off" from the Lighting Style pop-up menu in the Appearance pane of the Text Inspector

    Note: This step is optional, but turning off 3D text’s built-in lighting effects before you manually add light objects prevents conflicting lighting results.

  3. Choose Object > New Light (or press Shift-Command-L) to add a new light object to the scene.

    If your 3D text is currently in a 2D group, a dialog appears asking if you want to switch your 2D groups to 3D.

  4. Click Switch to 3D.

    A light object is added to your project.

    Canvas showing 3D text object with a scene light
  5. In the Canvas, drag the light object’s onscreen handles to illuminate your objects.

    For more information about moving and orienting lights, see Add lights.

  6. In the Light Inspector, choose a light type and adjust other settings as needed.

  7. If necessary, drag or rotate the light object in the Canvas using its onscreen controls.

For detailed information about using lights and shadows in 3D projects, see Add lights and Shadows overview.

Use external lights to cast shadows from a 3D text object

In addition to self-shadowing, 3D text can cast shadows on other objects in the project.

3D text casting shadows on background objects in the Canvas
  1. Follow steps 1–7 in “Use external lights to illuminate a 3D text object,” above.

  2. Select a light object in the Canvas, Layers list, or Timeline.

    Note: The Shadows controls are not available when the Light Type pop-up menu is set to Ambient.

    For more information about using the shadow controls, see and Shadow controls in the Inspector.

  3. In the Light Inspector, select the Shadows activation checkbox.

    When selected, the checkbox is highlighted blue.

  4. Double-click the Shadows heading to expose the shadow controls, then adjust them to your liking.

  5. Select the layer you want your 3D text to cast the shadow on, open the Properties Inspector, double-click Shadows heading to expose the shadow controls, then select the Receive Shadows checkbox.

    Note: The layer receiving the shadow needs to be offset from the object casting the shadow.