Simulation behaviors overview Simulation behaviors perform one of two tasks. Some Simulation behaviors, such as…

Align to Motion
The behavior changes the rotation of an object to match changes made to its direction…

Attracted To
An object with the behavior applied moves toward a single specified target, the object of…

The behavior, when applied to an object, causes other objects that lie within the area…

The behavior simulates the force of friction on a moving object, slowing it down over…

Drift Attracted To
The behavior is similar to the Attracted To behavior, but by default an object moves…

Drift Attractor
The behavior is similar to the Attractor behavior, but by default objects within the area…

Edge Collision
The behavior is ideal for setting up complex motion simulations with objects that do not…

The behavior causes an object, or the objects in a group (when Affect Subobjects is…

Orbit Around
Similar to the Attracted To behavior, the behavior’s default parameter settings give the object sufficient…