The Average behavior smooths the transition from one value to another in animations that are keyframed and in behaviors that are applied to a parameter. Use the Average behavior to smooth out animated effects. Averaged motion moves more fluidly, while averaged changes to parameters such as Opacity and to filter parameters appear to happen more gradually. Use the Window Size parameter to adjust the amount of smoothing applied to the affected parameter.
Tip: The Average behavior can be used to smooth out the sequence of values generated by a Randomize behavior.
Adjust this behavior using the controls in the Behaviors Inspector:
Window Size: A slider that adjusts the amount of smoothing applied to the affected parameter, by specifying the number of adjacent frames to average together. Higher values apply more smoothing by averaging a wider range of values, resulting in more fluid animation. Lower values average a narrower range of values, resulting in less smoothing, with values closer to the original.
Apply To: A pop-up menu that displays the parameter affected. You can also use this control to reassign the behavior to a different parameter.