
Converts interlaced clips into noninterlaced clips using one of several possible methods.

Tip: In order to create a progressive scan clip when using the Deinterlace filter, ensure the Field Order pop-up menu in the Media Inspector is set to None.

Adjust this filter using the parameter controls in the Filters Inspector:

  • Dominant Field: Sets the dominant field. There are two options: Upper or Lower.

  • Method: Sets how the object is interlaced. This pop-up menu has three options:

    • Duplicate: The nondominant field is eliminated, and the data from the dominant field is duplicated to fill in the missing lines.

    • Interpolate: The nondominant field is eliminated, and a new field is created by averaging each pair of adjacent video lines to create new ones.

    • Blend: The nondominant field is eliminated, and new lines are created by averaging the eliminated line with each pair of adjacent video lines.

  • Mix: Sets the percentage of the original image to be blended with the filtered image.